Other yoga sites etc.
Other yoga links
United States
The Yoga Group Yoga for HIV / AIDS, in Colorado (Note: In Canada, yoga for persons living with HIV/AIDS is taught at Yoga Centre Toronto, 2428 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 2H4. Classes teach special asana practices in the Iyengar tradition. Call (416) 482-1333 or 1334 for more information.
Detroit-area yoga resources:
Ferndale Yoga - (Iyengar style) Contact: Shirley Worth, 247 W. 9 Mile Rd, 248-547-3893, yogini@worth.net
Center for Yoga, Relaxation and Health - 29121 Northwestern Hwy, Southfield, 248-386-YOGA (they also have a studio in Birmingham, MI). Johnny Kest owns this studio and hosts the Midwest Yoga Conference in Ann Arbor every year.
Clara's Health of Cosmic Energy, 18617 Fort,
(next door to Subway), Riverview, MI 48229 734-285-4414
Miscellaneous US sites of interest:
Yoga for the Special Child is an integrated system of yoga techniques designed to stimulate the cognitive and motor development of children with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities.
Yogasite maintained by Kripalu alum John Tunney. Has a listing of Canadian Yoga teachers.
Gary Kraftsow teaches in the tradition of Desikachar and his father Krishnamacharya
Heart of Yoga - teaching Viniyoga in the Desikachar / Krishnamacharya tradition